Quick start guide for developers

Using Qserv with your own custom code or arbitrary versions can be done by connecting your local git repository with an eups software stack containing Qserv dependencies.


Use a Qserv dependencies container image, named qserv/qserv:deps_YYYYMMDD, and then build and install inside it all source dependencies for the current Qserv release:

# use Qserv official distribution server
eups distrib install --onlydepend --tag qserv-dev qserv
# only if you want to launch integration tests with your Qserv code
eups distrib install --tag qserv-dev qserv_testdata
setup qserv_testdata --tag qserv-dev


Above ‘eups distrib’ command will install dependencies for the current Qserv release. If you want to develop with an other set of dependencies, you may have to install them one by one, or specify a given Qserv version or tag (instead of -t qserv). See Building Qserv with specific dependencies for additional informations.

Setup your own Qserv version in eups

These commands explain how to connect your local Qserv git repository to an eups software stack containing Qserv dependencies. Once Qserv dependencies are installed in eups stack, please use next commands in order to install your Qserv development version:

# clone Qserv repository
mkdir ${SRC_DIR}
cd ${SRC_DIR}
# anonymous access :
git clone git://github.com/LSST/qserv
# or authenticated access (require a ssh key) by tapping :
# git clone ssh://git@github.com/LSST/qserv
# build and install your Qserv version
cd qserv
# if following "setup" command fails due to missing packages one has to
# manually install those packages with regular "eups distrib install ..."
setup --root . --tag qserv-dev
# build Qserv. Optional, covered by next command (i.e. install)
scons build
# install Qserv in-place (i.e. in ${SRC_DIR}/qserv/)
scons install

# Each time you want to test your code, run :
scons install


In above commands scons can be replaced with eupspkg -e PREFIX=$PWD which will compute the number of processor on your system and launch a parallel build using all of them (see scons -j option).

For complete list of supported scons targets see Scons Build Targets.

Once the qserv eups stack is integrated with your local Qserv repository, you will need to configure and (if desired) test it.

Updating test cases

If you want to modify tests datasets, please clone Qserv test data repository :

cd ~/src/
# authenticated access (require a ssh key) :
git clone ssh://git@github.com/LSST/qserv_testdata

In order to test it with your Qserv version :

# Assuming you have already installed in eups stack
# qserv_testdata dependencies
setup -k -r .
scons                    # Build for in-place use

Updating other Qserv dependencies

eupspkg provide an abstraction layer which allow you to easily develop with any eups-distributed package. Please note that commands below are usable with any git repository whose code is eups-compliant, and which supports in-place install:

# clone Qserv repository
cd ${SRC_DIR}
# authenticated access (require a ssh key) :
git clone ssh://git@git.lsstcorp.org/LSST/DMS/dependency
# build and install your version of this Qserv dependency
cd dependency
# if following "setup" command fails due to missing packages one has to
# manually install those packages with regular "eups distrib install ..."
setup -k -r .
eupspkg -e build
# install dependency in-place (if possible)
eupspkg -e PREFIX=$PWD install

# Each time you want to test your code, run :
eupspkg -e PREFIX=$PWD install