Data Table Indexes


All operations on indexes are only allowed on databases that are in the published state. The system will refuse all requests on databases that are in a process of being ingested. This is done for three reasons:

  1. To avoid interfering with the catalog ingest operations.

  2. To prevent returning an inconsistent (or wrong) state of the indexes

  3. To prevent transient errors due to potential race conditions since the overall state of the distributed catalogs might be being changed by the Ingest system.


This document explains how to use the index management API of the Qserv Replication System. Services provided by the system are related to the following index management operations in MySQL:

SHOW INDEX FROM <table> ...
CREATE ... INDEX <index> ON <table> ...
DROP INDEX ON <table> ...

However, unlike the single table operations listed above, the services allow managing groups of related tables distributed across Qserv worker nodes. Hence, each request for any service refers to a single such group. In particular:

  • if a request refers to the regular (fully replicated) table then all instances of the table will be affected by the request.

  • otherwise (in the case of the partitioned tables) each replica of every chunk of the table will be included in an operation. Note that the index management services differentiate between the chunk tables themselves and the corresponding full overlap tables. When submitting a request, a user will have to choose which of those tables will be included in the operation.

The latter would also be reflected in the result and error reports made by the services. The JSON objects returned by the services would return the names of the final tables affected by the operations, not the names of the corresponding base name of a table specified in service requests. This is done to facilitate investigating problems with Qserv should they occur. See more on the base and final table names in the section:

Things to consider before creating indexes

The recommendations mentioned in this section are not complete. Please, get yourself familiarized with the MySQL documentation on indexes before attempting the operation. Read the following instructions on the index creation command:

Always keep in mind that there is the MySQL (or alike) machinery behind Qserv and that the data tables in Qserv are presently based on the MyISAM storage engine:

These are a few points to consider.


  • Indexes are created on tables, and not on views.

  • Indexes are created in the scope of the table, and not databases.

  • In the case of the partitioned tables, the chunk and full overlap may not need to have the same set of indexes. In some cases, it may not be even possible, for instance, due to different UNIQUE constraints requirements.

  • Please, provide a reasonable comment for an index, even though, comments aren’t mandatory. Your comments could be useful for bookkeeping purposes to know why and what the index was created for.

  • Be aware that indexes take additional space on the Qserv workers’ filesystems where the database tables are residing. Potentially, if too many indexes were created, MySQL may run out of disk space and stop working. The rule of thumb for estimating the amount of space to be taken by an index is based on the sizes of columns mentioned in an index specification (explained in the next section) multiplied by the total number of rows in a table (on which the index is being created). There are other factors here, such as the type of a table (regular or partitioned) as well as the number of replicas for the partitioned tables. The index management service which is used for creating indexes will also make the best attempt to prevent creating indexes if it will detect that the amount of available disk space is falling too low. In this case, the service will refuse to create an index and an error will be reported back.

When choosing a name for an index:

  • The name should be unique (don’t confuse this with the UNIQUE keyword used in the index specifications) in the scope of the table. It means it should not be already taken by some other index. Always check which indexes already exist in a table before creating a new one.

  • Generally, the name must adhere to the MySQL requirements for identifiers as explained in:

  • Keep in mind that names of identifiers (including indexes) in Qserv are case-insensitive. This is not the general requirement in MySQL, where the case sensitivity of identifiers is configurable one way or another. It’s because of a design decision the original Qserv developers made to configure the underlying MySQL machinery.

  • To make things simple, restrain from using special characters (all but the underscore one _).

  • The length of the name should not exceed 64 characters:

Error reporting

All services mentioned in the document are the Replication system’s services, and they adhere to the same error reporting schema. The schema is explained in the document:

In addition, the index managemnt services may return the service-specific error conditions in the error_ext attribute:



The completion status (state) of the corresponding C++ job classes:

  • lsst::qserv::replica::SqlGetIndexesJob

  • lsst::qserv::replica::SqlCreateIndexesJob

  • lsst::qserv::replica::SqlDropIndexesJob

The status will be serialized into a string. The explanation of the possible values could be found in the following C++ header:

Look for this enum type:

enum ExtendedState {
    NONE,                ///< No extended state exists at this time.
    SUCCESS,             ///< The job has been fully implemented.
    CONFIG_ERROR,        ///< Problems with job configuration found.
    FAILED,              ///< The job has failed.

Also look for worker/table-specific errors in a JSON object explained below.


The JSON object which has unique identifiers of workers (attribute worker) as the keys, where the corresponding value for the worker is another JSON object which has names of worker-side tables as the next-level keys for descriptions of problems with managing indexes for the corresponding tables.


The completion status (state) of the index creation C++ request classes:

  • SqlGetIndexesRequest

  • SqlCreateIndexesRequest

  • SqlDropIndexesRequest

The status will be serialized into a string. More information on possible values could be found in the following C++ header:

Look for this enum type:

enum ExtendedState {
    NONE,           /// No extended state exists at this time
    SUCCESS,        /// The request has been fully implemented
    CLIENT_ERROR,   /// The request could not be implemented due to
                    /// an unrecoverable client-side error.
    SERVER_BAD,     /// Server reports that the request can not be implemented
                    /// due to incorrect parameters, etc.
    SERVER_ERROR,   /// The request could not be implemented due to
                    /// an unrecoverable server-side error.

This string provides an expanded explanation of an error reported by the Replication system’s worker (in case if the request failed on the worker’s side and is reported to the service).


Reporting partial successes or failures

Since the index management requests may (will) involve multiple tables, the corresponding operations may be potentially partially successful and partially not successful. All failures for specific indexes which couldn’t be managed (created, queried, or deleted) would be reported as explained in the previous section. For example, that would be a case if a request was made to drop a known to-exist index, and if no such index existed for some final tables. There may be various reasons why this might happen. An explanation of the reasons is beyond a scope of this document. The best way a user should treat this situation is to expect that the service would do the “best effort” of removing the index. It’s also allowed to run the index removal request multiple times. This won’t make any harm. All subsequent requests will report failures for all final tables in the specified group of tables.


To create a new index, a user must submit a request to the service:



Where the request object has the following schema:

{   "database" : <string>,
    "table" : <string>,
    "overlap" : <number>,
    "index" : <string>,
    "spec" : <string>,
    "comment" : <string>,
    "columns" : [
        {   "column" : <string>,
            "length " :<number>,
            "ascending" : <number>
    "auth_key" : <string>



The required name of the database where the table resides.


The required base name of the table where the index will be created.

overlapnumber := 0

The optional overlap flag indicating a sub-type of the chunk table. The value should be one of the following:

  • 1 : full overlap

  • 0 : chunk


The required name of the index to be created.


The required index specification. The specification should adhere to the MySQL requirements for the index creation command:

Where a value of the parameter should be one of the following keywords: DEFAULT, UNIQUE, FULLTEXT, or SPATIAL. All but the first one (DEFAULT) are mentioned in the MySQL documentation. The keywords map to the indfex creation command:


The REST service expects DEFAULT in those cases when none of the other three specifications are provided. Any other value or a lack of ant will be considered as an error.

commentstring := ""

The optional comment for the index. The value will be passed via the COMMENT parameter of the MySQL index creation command:

CREATE ... INDEX ... COMMENT 'string' ...

The required non-empty array of JSON objects keys mentioned in the key_part of the index creation statements:

CREATE ... INDEX index_name ON tbl_name (key_part,...) ...


The current implementation of the service doesn’t support the extended-expression syntax of key_part introduced in MySQL version 8.

These are the mandatory attributes of each key-specific object:


The required name of a column.


The required length of a substring used for the index. It only has a meaning for columns of types: TEXT, CHAR(N), VARCHAR(N), BLOB , etc. And it must be always 0 for other column types (numeric, etc.). Otherwise, an index creation request will fail.


The required sorting order of the column in the index. It translates into ASC or DESC options in the key definition in key_part. A value of 0 will be interpreted as DESC. Any other positive number will be imterpreted as to ASC.


The required zauthorization key.

Here is an example of the index creation request. Let’s supposed we have the regular (fully replicated) table that has the following schema:

CREATE TABLE `sdss_stripe82_01`.`Science_Ccd_Exposure_NoFile` (
  `scienceCcdExposureId` BIGINT(20)   NOT NULL,
  `run`                  INT(11)      NOT NULL,
  `filterId`             TINYINT(4)   NOT NULL,
  `camcol`               TINYINT(4)   NOT NULL,
  `field`                INT(11)      NOT NULL,
  `path`                 VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL

And, suppose we are going to create the PRIMARY key index based on the very first column scienceCcdExposureId. In this case the request object will look like this:

{   "database" : "sdss_stripe82_01",
    "table" : "Science_Ccd_Exposure_NoFile",
    "index" : "PRIMARY",
    "spec" : "UNIQUE",
    "comment" : "This is the primary key index",
    "columns" : [
        {   "column" : "scienceCcdExposureId",
            "length" : 0,
            "ascending" : 1
    "auth_key" : ""

The request deliberately misses the optional overlap attribute since it won’t apply to the regular tables.

Here is how the request could be submitted to the service using curl:

curl 'http://localhost:25081/replication/sql/index' \
  -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"database":"sdss_stripe82_01","table":"Science_Ccd_Exposure_NoFile",
       "index":"PRIMARY","spec":"UNIQUE","comment":"This is the primary key index",


To delete an existing index, a user must submit a request to the service:



Where the request object has the following schema:

{   "database" : <string>,
    "table" : <string>,
    "overlap" : <number>,
    "index" : <string>,
    "auth_key" : <string>



The required name of the database where the table resides.


The required base name of the table where the index will be created.

overlapnumber := 0

The optional overlap flag indicating a sub-type of the chunk table. The value should be one of the following:

  • 1 : full overlap

  • 0 : chunk


The required name of the index to be dropped.

Here is an example of the index deletion request. It’s based on the same table that was mentioned in the previous section. The request object will look like this:

{   "database" : "sdss_stripe82_01",
    "table" : "Science_Ccd_Exposure_NoFile",
    "index" : "PRIMARY",
    "auth_key" : ""

Here is how the request could be submitted to the service using curl:

curl 'http://localhost:25081/replication/sql/index' \
  -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"database":"sdss_stripe82_01","table":"Science_Ccd_Exposure_NoFile",


To inspect the existing indexes, a user must submit a request to the service:



Where the service path has the following parameters:


The name of a database affected by the operation.


The name of the table for which the indexes are required to be collected.

The optional query parameter is

overlapnumber := 0

The optional overlap flag indicating a sub-type of the chunk table. The value should be one of the following:

  • 1 : full overlap

  • 0 : chunk

In case of successful completion of the request the JSON object returned by the service will have the following schema:

{   "status": {
        "database" : <string>,
        "table" : <string>,
        "overlap" : <number>,
        "indexes" : [
            {   "name" : <string>,
                "unique" : <number>,
                "type" : <string>,
                "comment" : <string>,
                "status" : <string>,
                "num_replicas_total" : <number>,
                "num_replicas" : <number>,
                "columns" : [
                    {   "name" : <string>,
                        "seq" : <number>,
                        "sub_part" : <number>,
                        "collation" : <string>



The name of the index (the key).


The numeric flag indicates of the index’s keys are unique, where a value of 0 means they’re unique. Any other value would mean the opposite.


The type of index, such as BTREE, SPATIAL, PRIMARY, FULLTEXT, etc.


An optional explanation for the index passed to the index creation statement:

CREATE ... INDEX ... COMMENT 'string' ...

The status of the index. This parameter considers the aggregate status of the index across all replicas of the table. Possible values here are:

  • COMPLETE : the same index (same type, columns) is present in all replicas of the table (or its chunks in the case of the partitioned table)

  • INCOMPLETE : the same index is present in a subset of replicas of the table, where all indexes have the same definition.

  • INCONSISTENT : instances of the index that have the same name have different definitions in some replicas


The result object reported by the service will not provide any further details on the last status INCONSISTENT apart from indicating the inconsistency. It will be up to the data administrator to investigate which replicas have unexpected index definitions.


The total number of replicas that exist for the table. This is the target number of replicas where the index is expected to be present.


The number of replicas where the index was found to be present. If this number is not the same as the one reported in the attribute num_replicas_total then the index will be INCOMPLETE.


The collection of columns that were included in the index definition. Each entry of the collection has:


The name of the column


The 1-based position of the column in the index.


The index prefix. That is, the number of indexed characters if the column is only partly indexed 0 if the entire column is indexed.


How the column is sorted in the index. This can have values ASC, DESC, or NOT_SORTED.

The following request will report indexes from the fully-replicated table ivoa.ObsCore:

curl http://localhost:25081/replication/sql/index/ivoa/ObsCore -X GET

The (truncated and formatted for readability) result of an operation performed in a Qserv deployment with 6-workers may look like this:

{   "status" : {
    "database" : "ivoa"
    "indexes" : [
    {   "name" : "idx_dataproduct_subtype",
        "type" : "BTREE",
        "unique" : 0,
        "status" : "COMPLETE",
        "num_replicas" : 6,
        "num_replicas_total" : 6,
        "comment" : "The regular index on the column dataproduct_subtype",
        "columns" : [
            {   "collation" : "ASC",
                "name" : "dataproduct_subtype",
                "seq" : 1,
                "sub_part" : 0
    {   "name" : "idx_s_region_bounds",
        "type" : "SPATIAL",
        "unique" : 0,
        "status" : "COMPLETE",
        "num_replicas" : 6,
        "num_replicas_total" : 6,
        "comment" : "The spatial index on the geometric region s_region_bounds",
        "columns" : [
            {   "collation" : "ASC",
                "name" : "s_region_bounds",
                "seq" : 1,
                "sub_part" : 32
    {   "name" : "idx_lsst_tract_patch",
        "type" : "BTREE",
        "unique" : 0,
        "status" : "COMPLETE",
        "num_replicas" : 6,
        "num_replicas_total" : 6,
        "comment" : "The composite index on the columns lsst_tract and lsst_patch",
        "columns" : [
            {   "collation" : "ASC",
                "name" : "lsst_tract",
                "seq" : 1,
                "sub_part" : 0
            {   "collation" : "ASC",
                "name" : "lsst_patch",
                "seq" : 2,
                "sub_part" : 0


  • The second index idx_s_region_bounds is spatial. It’s based on the binary column of which only the first 32 bytes are indexed.

  • The third index idx_lsst_tract_patch is defined over two columns.