Test sets#



Integration tests#

Once a Qserv mono-node instance is running, you can run advanced integration test on one dataset by using:

qserv-check-integration.py --load --case=01
# See advanced options with --help option

You can also run the whole integration test suite, with fixed parameters by using :

# See advanced options with --help option

Results are stored in $QSERV_RUN_DIR/tmp/qservTest_case<number>/outputs/, and are erased before each run.

Input data sets#

Directory structure#


README.txt - contains info about data queries/ data/ <table>.schema - contains schema info per table <table>.csv.gz - contains data``


data from case<number> will be loaded into databases called
  • qservTest_case<number>_mysql, for mysql

  • and LSST, for qserv

Query file format#

Query file are named <idA>_<descr>.sql where <idA> means :
  • 0xxx supported, trivial (single object)

  • 1xxx supported, simple (small area)

  • 2xxx supported, medium difficulty (full scan)

  • 3xxx supported, difficult /expensive (e.g. full sky joins)

  • 4xxx supported, very difficult (eg near neighbor for large area)

  • 8xxx queries with bad syntax. They can fail, but should not crash the server

  • 9xxx unknown support

Files that are not yet supported should have extension .FIXME.