Worker Ingest Server


Services explained in this section are provided directly by Qserv workers, not by the main REST server of the Master Replication Controller. Each Qserv worker runs a dedicated Ingest Server that is reponsible for ingesting and managing catalogs located on the coresponding worker. Ingest workflows interact directly with workers using this API. The DNS names (IP addresses) of the corresponding hosts and the relevant port numbers of the worker services are returned by requests sent to the Master Replication Controller’s services:

Ingesting contributions by reference

Contribution ingest requests can be initiated using one of these techniques:

  • synchronous processing: a client will get blocked for the duration of the request before it finishes (or failed) to be executed. After that, the client would have to analyze the final state of the request from a response sent by the service.

  • asynchronous processing: a client will not be blocked. Once the request’s parameters were successfully parsed and analyzed (and accepted), the request will be queued for asynchronous processing. After that, the service will send back a response with the unique identifier and the current status of the request. The workflow will have to use the identifier to track the progression of the request. For requests that failed the validation stage information on reasons for the failure will be returned.

The following REST services implement these protocols:



The services expect a caller to provide a description of a request in the request’s body in a form of a JSON object. The object should adhere to the following schema:

   "transaction_id" : <number>,
   "table"          : <string>,
   "chunk"          : <number>,
   "overlap"        : <number>,

   "url" : <string>,

   "fields_terminated_by" : <string>,
   "fields_enclosed_by"   : <string>,
   "fields_escaped_by"    : <string>,
   "lines_terminated_by"  : <string>,
   "charset_name"         : <string>,

   "http_method"  : <string>,
   "http_data"    : <string>,
   "http_headers" : <string>,

   "max_num_warnings" : <number>,
   "num_retries"      : <number>



The required unique identifier of a transaction that is required to be in the STARTED state at a time when a request is received by a service. More information on the transaction management and transaction states can be found in: Transaction management.


The required base name of a table receiving the contribution. See Base versus final table names for more details on the meaning of the attriute base in a context of this API.


The required chunk number for the partitioned tables.

Note: ignored for the regular tables.


The required numeric flag indicates a kind of partitioned table (0 if this is not the overlap table or any other number of this is the overlap table).

Note: ignored for the regular tables.


The required location of a file to be ingested. The current implementation supports the following schemes:

  • file:///<path>: A file on a filesystem that is mounted locally on the corresponding worker. Note that the file path must be absolute. See details on this subject at:

  • http://<resource>, https://<resource>: A file on a web server. For either of these schemes, additional attributes (if needed) for pulling a file over the specified protocol could be provided in optional parameters: http_method, http_data and http_headers. Descriptions of the parameters are provided below in this table.

    Note: Workflows may also configure the behavior of the libcurl library by settting the library-specific options at a level of a database. See instructions at: Configuring parameters of the ingests.

fields_terminated_bystring = \t

The optional parameter of the desired CSV dialect: a character that separates fields in a row. The dafault value assumes the tab character.

fields_enclosed_bystring = ""

The optional parameter of the desired CSV dialect: a character that encloses fields in a row. The default value assumes no quotes around fields.

fields_escaped_bystring = \\

The optional parameter of the desired CSV dialect: a character that escapes special characters in a field. The default value assumes two backslash characters.

lines_terminated_bystring = \n

The optional parameter of the desired CSV dialect: a character that separates rows. The default value assumes the newline character.

charset_namestring = latin1

The optional parameters specify the desired character set name to be assumed when ingesting the contribution. The default value may be also affected by the ingest services configuration. See the following document for more details:

  • TODO: A reference to the page “Specifying character sets when ingesting tables into Qserv”

http_methodstring = GET

The optional method that is used to pull a file over the HTTP protocol.

http_datastring = ""

The optional data that is sent in the body of the HTTP request. The default value assumes no data are sent.

http_headersstring = ""

The optional list of headers that are sent in the HTTP request. The default value assumes no headers are sent. A value of the parameters is a string that contains zero, one or many headers definition string separated by a colon, where each such definition should look like:

<header-name>: <header-value>
max_num_warningsnumber = 64

The optional limit for the number of notes, warnings, and errors to be retained by MySQL/MariaDB when loading the contribution into the destination table.

Note: The default number of the limit is determined by a configuration of the ingest services. The default value of the parameter in MySQL/MariaDB is 64. The upper limit for the parameter is 65535. Some workflows may choose to set a specific value for the limit when debugging data of the contributions.

TODO: “Configuration Guide for the Replication/Ingest System” (a reference to the page)


The optional number of automated retries of failed contribution attempts in cases when such retries are still possible. The limit can be further limited by the ingest service to a value that will not exceed the “hard” limit set in the worker configuration parameter (worker, ingest-max-retries). Setting a value of the parameter to 0 will explicitly disable automatic retries regardless of the server’s configuration settings.


  • The parameter is ignored by the synchronous service.

  • The default number of retries set in the Inget Server’s configuration parameter (worker, ingest-num-retries) will be assumed.

TODO: “Configuration Guide for the Replication/Ingest System” (a reference to the page)

The service will return the following JSON object:

{   "contrib": {

See the Contribution descriptor section of document for the details on the schema of the response object.

Ingesting contributions by value

Contributions can be also ingested by sending data directly to the worker server in the request body. There are two sevices in this category. Both techniques are synchronous and the client will be blocked until the request is processed:

  • sending data as a JSON object

  • sending data as a CSV file in the multipart/form-data formatted body

Each technique has its own pros and cons.

JSON object

The following service allows a workflow to push both data and a description of the contribution request as a JSON object:



The service expects a caller to provide a description of a request in the request’s body in a form of a JSON object:

   "transaction_id" :   <number>,
   "table" :            <string>,
   "chunk" :            <number>,
   "overlap" :          <number>,
   "charset_name" :     <string>,
   "binary_encoding" :  <string>,
   "max_num_warnings" : <number>,
   "rows" : [



The required unique identifier of a transaction that has to be in the STARTED state at a time when a request is received by a service. More information on the transaction management and transaction states can be found in: Transaction management.


The required base name of a table receiving the contribution. See Base versus final table names for more details on the meaning of the attriute base in a context of this API.


The required chunk number for the partitioned tables.

Note: ignored for the regular tables.


The required numeric flag indicates a kind of partitioned table (0 if this is not the overlap table or any other number of this is the overlap table).

Note: ignored for the regular tables.

charset_namestring = latin1

The optional value depends on Qserv settings.

binary_encodingstring = hex

See Binary encoding of the data in JSON for more details.

max_num_warningsnumber = 64

The optional limit for the number of notes, warnings, and errors to be retained by MySQL/MariaDB when loading the contribution into the destination table.

Note: The default number of the limit is determined by a configuration of the ingest services. The default value of the parameter in MySQL/MariaDB is 64. The upper limit for the parameter is 65535. Some workflows may choose to set a specific value for the limit when debugging data of the contributions.

TODO: “Configuration Guide for the Replication/Ingest System” (a reference to the page)


The required collection of the data rows to be ingested. Each element of the array represents a complete row, where elements of the row represent values of the corresponding columns in the table schema:

[[<string>, ... <string>],
  [<string>, ... <string>]


  • The number of elements in each row must be the same as the number of columns in the table schema.

  • Positions of the elements within rows should match the positions of the corresponding columns in the table schema.

  • see the Registering tables section for the details on the table schema.

The service will return the following JSON object:

{   "contrib": {

See the Contribution descriptor section of document for the details on the schema of the response object.

CSV file


The service expectes a certain order of the parts in the body of the request. The description of the contribution request should be posted first, and the file payload should be posted second. There must be exactly one file payload in the body of the request. No file or many files will be treated as an error and reported as such in the response.

The following service allows a workflow to push both data (a CSV file) and a description of the contribution request in the multipart/form-data formatted body:



The body should contain two parts posted in the following order:

  • a collection of the key-value pairs that represent the description of the contribution request

  • a single file payload that contains the data to be ingested

Where the keys which describe the contribution request are presented below:


The required unique identifier of a transaction that has to be in the STARTED state at a time when a request is received by a service. More information on the transaction management and transaction states can be found in: Transaction management.


The required base name of a table receiving the contribution. See Base versus final table names for more details on the meaning of the attriute base in a context of this API.


The required chunk number for the partitioned tables.

Note: ignored for the regular tables.


The required numeric flag indicates a kind of partitioned table (0 if this is not the overlap table or any other number of this is the overlap table).

Note: ignored for the regular tables.

charset_namestring = latin1

The optional parameter that depends on Qserv settings.

fields_terminated_bystring = \t

The optional parameter of the desired CSV dialect: a character that separates fields in a row.

fields_enclosed_bystring = ""

The optional parameter of the desired CSV dialect: a character that encloses fields in a row. The default value assumes no quotes around fields.

fields_escaped_bystring = \\

The optional parameter of the desired CSV dialect: a character that escapes special characters in a field. The default value assumes two backslash characters.

lines_terminated_bystring = \n

The default value of the optional parameter assumes the newline character.

max_num_warningsnumber = 64

The optional limit for the number of notes, warnings, and errors to be retained by MySQL/MariaDB when loading the contribution into the destination table.

Note: The default number of the limit is determined by a configuration of the ingest services. The default value of the parameter in MySQL/MariaDB is 64. The upper limit for the parameter is 65535. Some workflows may choose to set a specific value for the limit when debugging data of the contributions.

TODO: “Configuration Guide for the Replication/Ingest System” (a reference to the page)

The service will return the following JSON object:

{   "contrib": {

See the Contribution descriptor section of document for the details on the schema of the response object.

Here is an example of how the request could be formatted using curl:

curl http://localhost:25004/ingest/csv \
     -X POST -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
     -F 'transaction_id=1630'\
     -F 'table=gaia_source' \
     -F 'chunk=675' \
     -F 'overlap=0' \
     -F 'charset_name=latin1' \
     -F 'fields_terminated_by=,' \
     -F 'max_num_warnings=64' \
     -F 'file=@/path/to/file.csv'

Note: the request header -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' is not required when using curl. The header is added here for the sake of clarity.

Another example is based on Python’s requests library and the requests_toolbelt package:

import requests
from requests_toolbelt.multipart.encoder import MultipartEncoder
import urllib3

# Supress the warning about the self-signed certificate

url = "http://localhost:25004/ingest/csv"
encoder = MultipartEncoder(
    fields = {
      "transaction_id": (None, "1630"),
      "table": (None, "gaia_source"),
      "chunk": (None, "675"),
      "overlap": (None, "0"),
      "charset_name": (None, "latin1"),
      "fields_terminated_by": (None, ","),
      "max_num_warnings": (None, "64"),
      "file": ("file.csv", open("/path/to/file.csv", "rb"), "text/csv")
req =, data=encoder,
                    headers={"Content-Type": encoder.content_type},
res = req.json()
if res["success"] == 0:
    error = res["error"]
    raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to ingest data ito the table: {error}")


  • The MultipartEncoder class from the requests_toolbelt package is used for both formatting the request and sending it in the streaming mode. The mode is essential for avoiding memory problem on the client side when pushing large contributons into the service. W/o the streaming mode the client will try to load the whole file into memory before sending it to the server.

  • The parameter verify=False is used to ignore SSL certificate verification. Also note using urllib3 to suppress the certificate-related warning. Do not use this in production code.

Status of requests

There are two services in this group. The first one allows retrieving the status info of a single request by its identifier. The second service is meant for querying statuses of all asynchronous requests of the given transaction.

One request

The service allows obtaining a status of the asynchronous contribution requests:



The services expect a caller to provide a unique identifier id of the contribution request in the resource path. Values of the identifiers are returned by services that accept the contribution requests.

If the identifier is valid and the service could locate the desired record for the contributon it will return the following JSON object:

{   "contrib": {

See the Contribution descriptor section of document for the details on the schema of the response object.

All requests of a transaction

The service allows obtaining a status of the asynchronous contribution requests submitted in a scope of a given transaction:



The services expect a caller to provide a unique identifier id of the transaction in the resource path. Values of the transaction identifiers are returned by services that manage transactions. See Transaction management for more details.

If the identifier is valid and the service could locate the relevant contributons it will will return the following JSON array:

{   "contribs": [

See the Contribution descriptor section of document for the details on the schema of the contribution objects.

Retrying failed contributions


  • Services, presented in this section complement those that were meant for the initial submission of the contribution requests posted by by-reference, regardless of the interface used (synchronous or asynchronous) as documented in Ingesting contributions by reference. The eligibility requirememnts for the requests are further explained in:

    • TODO: “Automatic retries for the failed contribution requests” (a reference to the page)

  • Unlike the automatic retries that may be configured in the original contribution request, the explicit retrying is a responsibility of the ingest workflow.

  • The number of the explicit retries is not a subject for limits set for the automatic retries. It’s up to the workflow to decide how many such retries should be attempted. The workflow should coordinate the retries with the transaction managemnet to avoid the situation when the same request is retried while the transaction is already in a state that doesn’t allow the contribution to be processed.

  • The workflow should avoid making multiple parallel requests to retry the same contribution request. The workflow should be always waiting for the response of the previous retry before making another one.

  • The automatic retries are disabled by the Ingest service while processing the explicitly made retries.

Both synchronous and asynchronous services are provided for the retrying of the failed contributions:



The services expect a caller to provide a unique identifier id of the contribution request to be retried.

The services will locate and evaluate the specified request to see if it’s eligible for retrying. And if it is then the request will be processed in accordance with the logic of the called service. Specifically:

  • If the synchronous interface was invoked then the request will be attempted right away and only once (no further automatic replies).

  • If the alternative asynchronous interface was invoked then the request will be placed at the very end of the input queue. It will be processed in its turn when picked by one of the processing threads of the ingest server’s pool. Likewise, in the case of synchronous processing, only one attempt to process the request will be made.

The service will return the following JSON object:

{   "contrib": {

See the Contribution descriptor section of document for the details on the schema of the response object.

Cancelling async requests


In general, request cancellation is a non-deterministic operation that is prone to race conditions. An outcome of the cancellation request depends on the current state of a request within the worker service:

  • If the request is still in the wait queue then the cancellation will be successful.

  • If the request is already being processed by the ingest machinery then the cancellation will be successful only if the request is still in the data reading state.

  • Requests that are already in the loading state are presently not cancellable since MySQL table loading is a non-interruptible operation.

  • If the request is already in the finished or any form of the failed state then obviously no cancellation will happen.

The workflow should be always inspect the state of the requests after the cancellation attempts to make sure that the requests were indeed cancelled.

There are two services in this group. The first one allows canceling a single request by its identifier. The second service is meant for cancelling all asyncgronous requests of the given transaction.

One request

The service allows cancelling an asynchronous contribution request:



The services expect a caller to provide a unique identifier id of the contribution request in the resource path. Values of the identifiers are returned by services that accept the contribution requests.

If the identifier is valid and the service could locate the desired record for the contributon it will make an attempt to cancel it. The service will return the following JSON object:

{   "contrib": {

See the Contribution descriptor section of document for the details on the schema of the response object.

All requests of a transaction

The service allows cancelling all asynchronous contribution requests submitted in a scope of a given transaction:



The services expect a caller to provide a unique identifier id of the corresponding transaction in the resource path. Values of the transaction identifiers are returned by services that manage transactions. See Transaction management for more details.

If the identifier is valid and the service could locate the relevant contributons it will make an attempt to cancel them. The service will return the following JSON array:

{   "contribs": [

See the Contribution descriptor section of document for the details on the schema of the contribution objects.

Contribution descriptor

The following object illustrates the schema and a sample payload of the contribution descriptor:

  "id" :               2651966,
  "async" :            1,
  "database" :         "gaia_edr3",
  "table" :            "gaia_source",
  "worker" :           "db13",
  "chunk" :            675,
  "overlap" :          0,
  "transaction_id" :   1630,

  "status" :           "FINISHED",
  "create_time" :      1726026383616,
  "start_time" :       1726026383619,
  "read_time" :        1726026396161,
  "load_time" :        1726026412474,

  "url" :              "http://sdfqserv001:18080/gaia_edr3/gaia_source/files/chunk_675.txt",
  "http_method" :      "GET",
  "http_headers" :     [],
  "http_data" :        "",
  "tmp_file" :         "/qserv/data/ingest/gaia_edr3-gaia_source-675-1630-7570-6e63-d0b6-6934.csv",

  "max_num_warnings" : 64,
  "max_retries" :      4,

  "charset_name" :     "latin1",
  "dialect_input" : {
      "fields_enclosed_by" :   "\\0",
      "lines_terminated_by" :  "\\n",
      "fields_escaped_by" :    "\\\\",
      "fields_terminated_by" : ","

  "num_bytes" :          793031392,
  "num_rows" :           776103,
  "num_rows_loaded" :    776103,

  "http_error" :         0,
  "error" :              "",
  "system_error" :       0,
  "retry_allowed" :      0,

  "num_warnings" :       0,
  "warnings" :           [],
  "num_failed_retries" : 0,
  "failed_retries" :     []

The most important (for the ingest workflows) attributes of the contribution object are:


The status of the contribution requests. The possible values are:

  • IN_PROGRESS: The transient state of a request before it’s FINISHED or failed.

  • CREATE_FAILED: The request was received and rejected right away (incorrect parameters, etc.).

  • START_FAILED: The request couldn’t start after being pulled from a queue due to changed conditions.

  • READ_FAILED: Reading/preprocessing of the input file failed.

  • LOAD_FAILED: Loading into MySQL failed.

  • CANCELLED: The request was explicitly cancelled by the ingest workflow (ASYNC contributions only).

  • FINISHED: The request succeeded,


The timestamp when the contribution request was received (milliseconds since the UNIX Epoch). A value of the attribute is guaranteed to be not 0.


The timestamp when the contribution request was started (milliseconds since the UNIX Epoch). A value of the attribute is 0 before the processing starts.


The timestamp when the Ingest service finished reading/preprocessing the input file (milliseconds since the UNIX Epoch). A value of the attribute is 0 before the reading starts.


The timestamp when the Ingest service finished loading the contribution into the MySQL table (milliseconds since the UNIX Epoch). A value of the attribute is 0 before the loading starts.


The URL of the input file that was used to create the contribution. Depending on a source of the data, the URL scheme could be:

  • http, https: The file was pulled from a remote Web server.

  • file: The file was read from a filesystem that is mounted locally on the corresponding worker. The URL is a full path to the file.

  • data-json: The file was sent as a JSON object in the request body. The URL is a placeholder.

  • data-csv: The file was sent as a CSV file in the multipart/form-data formatted body. The URL is a placeholder.

Note that there is no guarantee that the URL will be valid after the contribution is processed.


The maximum number of the MySQL warnings to be captured after loading the contribution into the MySQL table. The number may correspond to a value that was explicitly set by workflow when making a contribution request. Otheriwse the default number configured at the system is assumed.


The maximum number of retries allowed for the contribution. The number may correspond to a value that was explicitly set by workflow when making a contribution request. Otheriwse the default number configured at the system is assumed.


The total number of bytes in the input file. The value is set by the service after it finishes reading the file and before it starts loading the data into the MySQL table.


The total number of rows parsed by the ingest service in the input file.


The total number of rows loaded into the MySQL table. Normally the number of rows loaded should be equal to the number of rows parsed. If the numbers differ it means that some rows were rejected during the ingest process. The workflow should be always monitoring any mismatches in these values and trigger alerts.


The HTTP error code captured by the service when pulling data of the contribution from a remote Web server. This applies to the corresponidng URL schemes. The value is set only if the error was detected.


The error message captured by the service during the contribution processing. The value is set only if the error was detected.


The system error code captured by the service during the contribution processing. The value is set only if the error was detected.


The flag that tells if the contribution is allowed to be retried. The value is set by the service when the contribution processing was failed. The value is set to 1 if the contribution is allowed to be retried, and to 0 otherwise.

Important: The workflow should be always analyze a value of this attribute to decide if the contribution should be retried. If the retry is not possible then the workflow should give up on the corresponding transaction, abort the one, and start another transaction to ingest all contributions attempted in a scope of the aborted one.


The total number of MySQL warnings captured after loading the contribution into the MySQL table.

Note: The number is reported correctly regardless if the array in the attribute warnings is empty or not.


The array of MySQL warnings captured after loading the contribution into the MySQL table. Each entry is an object that represents a warning/error/note. See the table in MySQL warnings for the details on the schema of the object.

Notes: The maximum number of warnings captured is limited by the value of the attribute max_num_warnings.


The total number of retries that failed during the contribution processing.

Note: The number is reported correctly regardless if the array in the attribute failed_retries is empty or not.


The array of failed retries captured during the contribution processing. Each such retry is represented by JSON object that has a schema explained in Retries.

Note: The maximum number of failed retries captured is limited by the value of the attribute max_retries.

MySQL warnings

Warnings are captured into the JSON array of warnings:

"warnings" : [

The format of the object is presented below:


The severity of the warning reported by MySQL. Allowed values:

  • Note

  • Warning

  • Error


The numeric error code indicates a reason for the observed problem.


The human-readable explanation for the problem.

Here is an example of what could be found in the array:

"warnings" : [
  {"code" : 1406, "level" : "Warning", "message" : "Data too long for column 's_region_scisql' at row 3670"},
  {"code" : 1261, "level" : "Warning", "message" : "Row 3670 doesn't contain data for all columns"},
  {"code" : 1406, "level" : "Warning", "message" : "Data too long for column 's_region_scisql' at row 3913"},
  {"code" : 1261, "level" : "Warning", "message" : "Row 3913 doesn't contain data for all columns"},
  {"code" : 1406, "level" : "Warning", "message" : "Data too long for column 's_region_scisql' at row 3918"},
  {"code" : 1261, "level" : "Warning", "message" : "Row 3918 doesn't contain data for all columns"}

More details on the values can be found in the MySQL documentation:


Retries are captured into the JSON array of failed_retries:

"failed_retries" : [

The format of the object is presented below:

{   "start_time" :   <number>,
    "read_time" :    <number>,
    "tmp_file" :     <string>,
    "num_bytes" :    <number>,
    "num_rows" :     <number>,
    "http_error"  :  <number>,
    "system_error" : <number>,
    "error" :        <string>



The timestamp when the retry attempt was started (milliseconds since the UNIX Epoch). A value of the attribute is 0 before the processing starts.


The timestamp when the Ingest service finished reading/preprocessing the input file (milliseconds since the UNIX Epoch). A value of the attribute is 0 before the reading starts.


The total number of bytes in the input file. The value is set by the service after it finishes reading the file and before it starts loading the data into the MySQL table.


The total number of rows parsed by the ingest service in the input file.


The HTTP error code captured by the service when pulling data of the contribution from a remote Web server. This applies to the corresponidng URL schemes. The value is set only if the error was detected.


The system error code captured by the service during the contribution processing. The value is set only if the error was detected.


The error message captured by the service during the contribution processing. The value is set only if the error was detected.