

Qserv’s partitioners are implemented as standalone C++ programs (sph-partition or sph-partition-matches) that separate input rows from one or more files and write them into another set of files named according to their partition numbers.

sph-partition[-matches] takes as input a set of CSV files, and based on a specified partition configuration, produces output CSV files (one per partition). Each partition is called a “chunk” and contains subpartitions (“subchunks”), although a partition’s subpartitions are stored together in a file (and table).

Tables that are partitioned in Qserv must be partitioned identically within a Qserv database.

This means that tables in a database share identical partition boundaries and identical mappings of chunk ID spatial partition. In order to facilitate table joining, a single table’s columns are chosen to define the partitioning space and all partitioned tables (within a database) are partitioned according that pair of columns. Our current plan chooses the Object table’s ra_PS and decl_PS columns, meaning that rows in the Source and ForcedSource tables would be partitioned according to the Object they reference.

However, there is a wrinkle: prototype pipeline development involves comparing pipeline outputs to a reference catalog, which might correspond to an independent processing of the input data, or to a ground truth catalog from which raw pipeline input images were synthesized. Such tables (SimRefObject for example) share the same partitioning parameters as `Object`. But, there is no obvious 1 to 1 mapping between reference objects and objects. Instead, the pipelines compute a (spatial) match table between the two that provides a many-to-many relationship between both tables. The complication is that a match record might reference an object and reference object that fall on opposite sides of a partition boundary. Qserv deals with this by taking advantage of the overlap that must be stored alongside each partition (this overlap is stored so that Qserv can avoid inter-worker communication when performing spatial joins on the fly).


The Qserv partitioning code must be capable of processing:

  • CSV-format files

  • files that are very large

  • large quantities of files

  • tables containing both positions and positional match pairs

It must be possible to reorder and drop input columns. The output format shall be CSV suitable for loading into the database instances running on Qserv worker nodes.

The following features are desirable, but have yet to be implemented:

  • It should be possible to process FITS table files.

  • It should be possible to lookup the sky-positions of entities in a record by key. Currently, positions must be present in the records fed to the partitioner (but can be dropped from the output). Note that it must be possible to fall-back to another position in case the key is NULL. Such orphaned entities can be produced if for example the association pipeline doesn’t necessarily associate each Source to an Object (some Source rows might be considered to be spurious).

  • Producing partitioned output tables in native database format (e.g. directly producing .MYD files for the MySQL MyISAM storage engine) may significantly speed up the loading process.


The partitioner is expressed in the map-reduce paradigm. The map function operates on one input record at a time. It computes the partition(s) the input record must be assigned to and emits corresponding output records. Output records are grouped by chunk and passed on to reducers, which collect statistics on how many records are in each sub-chunk and write output records to disk. This is all implemented in C++, using a small in-memory map-reduce processing framework tailored to the task. The framework is multi-threaded - file input, processing, and output are all block oriented and parallel (see src/MapReduce.h in the source tree for details).

As a result of using this model, the code that deals with parallelization is separated from the partitioning logic, making the implementation easier to follow. Another benefit is that porting to the Hadoop framework would at least be conceptually straightforward.


Here is a fully worked single node example for the PT1.2 Object, SimRefObject, and RefObjMatch tables. First, the tables are dumped in TSV format:

mysql -A \
      -h \
      -D rplante_PT1_2_u_pt12prod_im2000 \
      -B --quick --disable-column-names \
      -e "SELECT * FROM Object;" > Object.tsv

mysql -A \
      -h \
      -D rplante_PT1_2_u_pt12prod_im2000 \
      -B --quick --disable-column-names \
      -e "SELECT * FROM SimRefObject;" > SimRefObject.tsv

For the`RefObjMatch` table, we’ll need to pull in the positions of the objects and reference objects being matched up, so that the partitioner can determine which partition each side of the match has been assigned to. That can be done via:

SELECT m.*, r.ra, r.decl, o.ra_PS, o.decl_PS
    FROM RefObjMatch  AS m LEFT JOIN
                SimRefObject AS r ON (m.refObjectId = r.refObjectId) LEFT JOIN
                Object       AS o ON (m.objectId = o.objectId);

Note the left joins - either side of a match pair can be NULL, indicating an unmatched object or reference object.

Assuming QSERV_DIR has been set to a Qserv install or checkout location, the Source and Object tables can now be partitioned as follows:


for TABLE in Object Source; do
    sph-partition \
        --config-file=$CFG_DIR/$TABLE.json \
        --config-file=$CFG_DIR/common.json \
        --in.csv.null=NULL \
        --in.csv.delimiter=$'\t' \
        --in.csv.escape=\\ \
        --in.csv.quote=\" \
        --in.path=$TABLE.tsv \
        --verbose \
        --mr.num-workers=6 --mr.pool-size=32768 --mr.block-size=16 \

The matches can be partitioned using:

sph-partition-matches \
    --config-file=$CFG_DIR/RefObjMatch.json \
    --config-file=$CFG_DIR/common.json \
    --in.csv.null=NULL \
    --in.csv.delimiter=$'\t' \
    --in.csv.escape=\\ \
    --in.csv.quote=\" \
    --in.path=RefObjMatch.tsv \
    --verbose \
    --mr.num-workers=6 --mr.pool-size=32768 --mr.block-size=16 \
    --out.num-nodes=1 --out.dir=chunks/RefObjMatch

Output chunk files are stored in the directory specified by `--out.dir`, and can subsequently be distributed and loaded into the MySQL databases on worker nodes. Examine the config files referenced above and run sph-partition --help or `sph-partition-matches --help` for more information on partitioning parameters.