REST Services¶ General guidelines Request headers Error reporting when calling the services Optional warnings Authorization and authentication Protocol Versioning Pull mode Push mode Binary encoding of the data in JSON Base versus final table names Master Replication Controller Configuring parameters of the ingests Setting configuration parameters Retrieving configuration parameters Global configuration parameters of workers Database and table management Finding existing databases and database families Registering databases Registering tables Publishing databases Un-publishing databases to allow adding more tables Deleting databases and tables Transaction management Status of a transaction Start a transaction Commit or abort a transaction Transaction descriptor Transaction states Table location services Locate regular tables Allocate/locate chunks of the partitioned tables Connection parameters of the workers Information services Chunk disposition Status of the contribution request Director Index Management (Re-)building the Index Row counters Collecting row counters and deploying them at Qserv Deleting row counters for a table Inspecting rows counters of a table Worker Ingest Server Ingesting contributions by reference Ingesting contributions by value JSON object CSV file Status of requests One request All requests of a transaction Retrying failed contributions Cancelling async requests One request All requests of a transaction Contribution descriptor MySQL warnings Retries